News & Events
FinNode Future Session "Systems on Cloud: Cases from Korea and Japan" 5.12.
Are you aware of the silent but big changes in ICT service industry?

ICT innovations have brought a structural change in ubiquitous networked system: i.e. shifting from “system on device” to “system on cloud”. You can experience this change only by putting yourself in the middle of the really advanced IT & network environment.

Korea and Japan are known as countries where the latest technical innovations of IT & network are in place and ready to use. Such buzz words are partly materialized as reality: e.g. IOT, M2M, AToN… There, the key enabler seems to be “Cloud” where features as “mobile” and “Social” are to be integrated.

What happens in Korea or Japan will give you an insight to foresee the future trends of Cloud and related innovations. In this Future Session, we will study case examples of the latest Cloud applications in Korea & Japan and discuss about Finnish approach to the phenomenon. You can find more information about the case examples on the registration site.

FinNode Future Session will take place simultaneously at several ELY centers around Finland (in Helsinki at Finpro premises). All locations are linked to each other using videoconference facilities. The event is free of charge and the presentations will be in English.

Further information and how to register: